Erie, Pennsylvania
Master plan for entertainment district featuring two-theaters, an arena, and a AA baseball stadium
Demand and operating projections
Cost estimates and phasing plan ƒ
Hotel Developer RFQ/RFP solicitation, coordination, and management ƒ
Developer proposal evaluation ƒ
Site analysis and recommendations
Johnson Consulting was engaged by the Erie County Convention Center Authority to conduct four distinct projects to extend the appeal and character of Erie as a convention, event, and tourism destination. Under the first engagement, we worked in partnership with the Authority to prepare a feasibility study and campus facilities master plan for the Erie Civic Center Complex (ECCC).
The ECCC is comprised of three facilities: the Warner Theatre, Tullio Arena, and Jerry Uht Ballpark. Our team was hired to evaluate the condition and performance of the facilities and prepare a master plan that positions the ECCC to remain an ongoing resource for Erie County. Our project explored strategies for developing the ECCC into an integrated arts, entertainment, and cultural district in downtown Erie through the development of the ECCC master plan; evaluated the physical condition of the ECCC’s existing facilities, and recommendations regarding a capital improvements plan; and conducted financial analysis to measure the contribution margin associated with each capital improvement. A fourth facility, the Erie Bayfront Convention Center, was added to the Authority’s roster of facilities. The Authority retained Johnson Consulting to evaluate development proposals and sites for a convention center and a related headquarters hotel.
