Los Angeles, California
Review of Prior Report
Update of Financial & Demand Projections and Fiscal and Economic Impacts
Continued Advisory Support
Johnson Consulting was retained by the City of Los Angeles to conduct a peer review and update of a market and economic impact analysis of the Los Angeles Convention Center “LACC,” prepared in 2015 by another firm. The original study presented and assessed two hypothetical scenarios involving the LACC, which were:
Scenario 1: The Expansion of Exhibit, Meeting, and Ballroom Space in accordance with plans provided by several firms.
Scenario 2: A “do nothing” scenario, under which no improvement to the LACC is made.
For the update, our firm took into consideration the findings and recommendations presented in the previous report and either validated or modified these initial recommendations based on the present data. This ultimately yielded in a current assessment of the market feasibility of a decision to expand the LACC.
