El Paso, Texas
Hotel Market and Incentive Analysis
Analyzed the capture rate of demand in El Paso Market, looking at trends and quality of demand
Studied hotel development trends and patterns in several benchmark cities
Developed a conceptual return on investment model
Drafted policy regarding how the City could provide an incentive to hotels for growing quality inventory
Johnson Consulting has conducted several assignments for and in the City of El Paso. We have worked on a new arena and hotel policy for the city and assessment of the Camino Real for a private sector developer. For the policy analysis, our firm was engaged by the City of El Paso, Texas (City) to conduct a review of current business conditions for the hospitality industry in the City, analyze the City’s ability to absorb hotel rooms in the downtown corridor, and by the airport, and comment on the hotel trends in the broader city-wide area.
Johnson Consulting also analyzed and helped the City devise an incentive program to be used to induce future hotel development. The analysis provides a structure relating to responding to developers asking for help to make their hotel projects feasible.
The incentive program weights incentives to hospitality projects that are full service rather than limited service; supports the convention center; supports the downtown redevelopment efforts; and may help in growing the overall tourism market in El Paso, and in trying to enhance the “resort” image of the City.
The most recent analysis, completed in 2016, was completed for a major developer, active in downtown El Paso. We completed a full valuation and property improvement plan for the historic Camino real Hotel and evaluation of a boutique hotel.
